Not necessarily the News!
French soldier applying furniture polish on wooden cannon. He says - In the sun, it almost looks like a real cannon.
American planes drop incindiary bombs by Eiffel Tower as a warning to the French to stand up like men against terrorism or face our wrath. 
The following morning, personnel carriers and helicopters race out of Paris with the troops chanting the traditional French battle cry - Get out of ourway, we're out of here!

French tanks leaving the city. One tank commander was heard saying - Damn tanks are too slow.
Fun with the French!
Letter from a Marine
Colin Powell
Charlie Daniels
Miscellaneous Items
Here is an actual letter home from a Marine with
the multinational force in Bosnia:
Dear Dad, A funny thing
happened to me yesterday at Camp Bondsteel (Bosnia):
A French army
officer walked up to me in the PX, and told me he thought we (Americans)
were a bunch of cowboys and were going to provoke a war in Iraq. He said
if such a thing happens, we wouldn't be able to count on the support of
France. I told him that it didn't surprise me. Since we had come to
France's rescue in World War I, World War II, Vietnam, and the Cold War,
their ingratitude and jealousy was due to surface [again] at some point in
the near future anyway. I also told him that is why France is a third-rate
military power with a socialist economy and a bunch of pansies for
soldiers. I additionally told him that America, being a nation of deeds
and action, not words, would do whatever it had to do, and France's
support, if it ever came, was only for show anyway. Just like in ALL NATO
exercises, the US would shoulder 85% of the burden, and provide 85% of the
support, as evidenced by the fact that this French officer was shopping in
the American PX, and not the other way around.
He began to get belligerent at that point, and I told him if he would like to, I would meet him outside in front of the Burger King and whip his ass in front of the entire Multi-National Brigade East, thus demonstrating that even the smallest American had more fight in him than the average Frenchman. He called me a barbarian cowboy and walked away in a huff. With friends like these, who needs enemies?
Dad, tell Mom I love her,
Your loving daughter,
Mary Beth Johnson
LtCol., USMC
Colin Powell
Secretary of State Colin Powell was approached after his address to the United Nations by an irate Iraqi newspaper reporter who accusingly asked our Secretary of State, "Isn't it true that only 13% of young Americans can locate Iraq on a map?" Secretary Powell stopped, turned, and stated, "Yes, it's true. But, unfortunately for you, all 13% are United States Marines."
Thank you Charlie Daniels!
Charlie Daniel's Letter to the Hollywood Bunch:
OK, let's just say for a moment you bunch of pampered, overpaid, unrealistic children had your way and the U.S.A. didn't go into Iraq.
Let's say that you really get your way and we destroy all our nuclear weapons and stick daisies in our gun barrels and sit around with some white wine and cheese and pat ourselves on the back, so proud of what we've done for world peace.
Let's say that we cut the military budget to just enough to keep the National Guard on hand to help out with floods and fires.
Let's say that we close down our military bases all over the world and bring the troops home, increase our foreign aid and drop all the trade sanctions against everybody.
I suppose that in your fantasy world this would create a utopian world where everybody would live in peace. After all, the great monster, the United States of America, the cause of all the world's trouble would have disbanded it's horrible military and certainly all the other countries of the world would follow suit. After all, they only arm themselves to defend their countries from the mean old U.S.A.
Why you bunch of pitiful, hypocritical, idiotic, spoiled mugwumps. get your head out of the sand and smell the Trade Towers burning. Do you think that a trip to Iraq by Sean Penn did anything but encourage a wanton murderer to think that the people of the U.S.A. didn't have the nerve or the guts to fight him?
Barbara Streisand's fanatical and hateful rankings about George Bush makes about as much sense as Michael Jackson hanging a baby over a railing.
You people need to get out of Hollywood once in a while and get out into the real world. You'd be surprised at the hostility you would find out here. Stop in at a truck stop and tell an overworked, long distance truck driver that you don't think Saddam Hussein is doing anything wrong. Tell a farmer with a couple of sons in the military that you think the United States
has no right to defend itself. Go down to Baxley, Georgia and hold an anti-war rally and see what the folks down there think about you. Please visit Clarksville, Tennessee and the 101st Airborne and talk that S*IT, please visit those Real American's.
You people are some of the most disgusting examples of a waste of protoplasm I've ever had the displeasure to hear about.
Sean Penn, you're a traitor to the United States of America. You gave aid and comfort to the enemy. How many American lives will your little, "fact finding trip" to Iraq cost? You encouraged Saddam to think that we didn't have the stomach for war. You people protect one of the most evil men on the face of this earth and won't lift a finger to save the life of an unborn
Freedom of choice you say?
Well, I'm going to exercise some freedom of choice of my own. If I see any of your names on a marquee, I'm going to boycott the movie. I will completely stop going to movies if I have to. In most cases it certainly wouldn't be much of a loss.
You scoff at our military who's boots you're not even worthy to shine. They go to battle and risk their lives so ingrates like you can live in luxury.
The day of reckoning is coming when you will be faced with the undeniable truth that the war against Saddam Hussein is the war on terrorism.
America is in imminent danger. You're either for her or against her. There is no middle ground. I think we all know where you stand. I will stand with the soldiers, airmen, and sailors. The hard working men and women of this great country. Not the overpaid, pansy a*s, Hollywood wimp wanna be's, and has beens, who can't hold a candle to real American's, the middle class blue
collar workers.
What do you think? Boycott any Hollywood type that protest against the USA.
God Bless America!
Charlie Daniels
Miscellaneous items
"Going to war without France is like going duck hunting without your accordion."---Donald Rumsfeld, U.S. Secretary of Defense
French Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin was applauded at the Security Council after he spoke out against U.S. war plans Friday. They've taken their own precautions against al-Qa'ida. To prepare for terrorist attack, each Frenchman is urged to keep duct tape, a white flag, and a three-day supply of mistresses around the house.
"Somebody was telling me about the French Army rifle that was being advertised on eBay the other day -- the description was, 'Never shot. Dropped once"
---Missouri Republican Rep. Roy Blunt
"The French will only agree to go to war in Iraq after we've proven we've found truffles there."
---Dennis Miller
What do you expect from a culture and a nation that exerted more of its national will fighting against Disney World and Big Mac's than the Nazis?
Q: How many Frenchmen does it take to defend Paris?
A: Nobody knows. They've never tried.
Q: What does the word "Maginot" mean in English?
A: "Welcome!"
"I don't why people are surprised that France won't help us get Saddam out of Iraq. After all, France wouldn't help us get the Germans out of France!"
---Jay Leno
Q: What did the mayor of Paris say to the German Army as they entered the city in WWII?
A: "Table for 100,000 m'sieur?"
"The last time the French asked for 'more proof' it came marching into Paris under a German flag."
--David Letterman